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Why I Published My Series Out of Order

The one thing all newer authors learn pretty quickly is that there is no blueprint, no “how to” guide, to publishing.underwoodkeyboard

I’m a new-ish author.  Even though I’ve published three books in the past year, I remain a novice in many ways and how I handled my first series certainly attests to that fact.

My debut novel, published in April 2013, was not the first manuscript I wrote; it wasn’t even the first book I sold. The first title I sold was Tempting Bella, the third book in the series. My fabulous agent went to bat for me right away, asking my editor to publish the second book in the series, Seducing Charlotte, first.

Why not the publish the first book in the series first? After all, that would make the most sense as reviewers have certainly pointed out.

One friendly blogger, who had given the first two books nice reviews, wrote this about Compromising Willa:

“Overall, not a bad read once I got past my confusion at the beginning.” 

Another reviewer, who gave all three books excellent reviews, wrote:

“For some reason ‘the men in suits’ that bought these stories, decided they should be published out-of-order. Don’t ask!”

I wish I could blame the ‘men in suits’, but the responsibility lies with an insecure author in elastic-waist pants. Yes, that would be me.

Diana Quincy’s Accidental Peers series in order of publication, although not in chronological order.
Diana Quincy’s Accidental Peers series in order of publication, although not in chronological order.

Compromising Willa, the first book in the series, was also the first book I ever wrote. It had finaled in contests for unpublished writers but had never won. By contrast, Seducing Charlotte and Tempting Bella racked up a number of contest wins and I thought they were “higher concept” and would sell better. In my mind, Willa was relegated to less-favored child status even though I loved the story and the characters.

Because of this, I never sent Willa to my agent and my editor wasn’t even aware Willa existed until she asked, “Do you have any other books in this series?”

“Um, yes,” I said and promptly emailed the manuscript. My publisher bought it, along with the unfinished fourth book in the series, demonstrating more confidence in me and my writing than I had.

I am sorry if this created confusion for my readers and, in some cases, diminished their reading enjoyment. Thank you for your patience.  The good news is that the next book in the series, Engaging the Earl, is being released in the proper chronological order!  



Compromising Willa Blog Tour & Scavenger Hunt


February 17   Michelle Chew Writes
February 17   Bookworm2Bookworm
February 17   Simply Ali
February 18   Bookworm Blurbs
February 18   herding cats & burning soup
February 19   Margay Leah Justice
February 19   Curling Up With A Good Book
February 20   Ramblings From This Chick
February 20   Sapphyria’s Book Reviews
February 21   BookGroupies
February 21   Romantic Reads and Such
February 24   Always Reiding
February 24   Fade Into Fantasy
February 25   The Gal in the Blue Mask
February 25   Fab Fantasy Fiction
February 26   What I’m Reading
February 26   Ex Libris
February 27   Becky on Books
February 27   Reviews by Crystal
February 28   The La La Land of Books
February 28   Talking Books Blog

Join us! I’m giving away a $10 Starbucks gift card, a digital copy of Tempting Bella (Book 2 in my Accidental Peers series) and a canister of Willa’s custom blended Peppermint Apple Black Tea. Grand Prize_edited-1

The (Not-so) Great Home Office Makeover

Lately, I’ve been thinking I need a space of my own.

When I started writing about five years ago, I chose to work in the dining room―which gave me an excellent view out the front of the house and of the backyard―so I could keep an eye on my boys when they played outside. It’s worked pretty well, except that I have to clean up all of my folders, books and papers (ie. junk) whenever we have guests.

I also have no place to hang writing-related memorabilia or inspiration boards for my work in progress. And I’ve got an award or two I picked up as an unpublished writer  hidden in a drawer somewhere.

My current writing spot in my dining room, which gives me a view of the front and backyard. (This is the cleaned-up-for-company version.)
My current writing spot in my dining room, which gives me a view of the front and backyard. (This is the cleaned-up-for-company version.)

Since the boys are older now and I no longer need to keep as close an eye on them (at least not when they play outside), I’d like a place to shelve my research books and favorite things, while also centralizing my writing tools and needs in one place.

Luckily, we’ve got a study that pretty much no one uses. It’s the place sports equipment is dropped and old instruments go to gather dust. The book shelves are a mish-mash of old children’s books and other books that are not really keepers.

The “Before” picture of the study no one really uses. It doesn’t look bad, but it’s not really conducive to writing. I’ve had that couch almost 20 years and, even though it’s still in good shape, I think it’s time to give it away to open up the space.

A key part of the makeover is budget…as in, I don’t really have one. So this is going to have to be a thrifty redesign. Remember that old HGTV show, Design on a Dime? That’s kind of what I’m going for here.

To start, I went in search of a deal at an antiques place near where I live. The shop has an annual “Ground Hog Day Sale” where I’ve managed to find some treasures over the years. This time, I came away with a couple of great finds, including a black painted wood desk with nice clean lines. And the price tag? An amazing $69. Sold!   

My new desk on display in the shop. For $69, I snapped it up.
My new desk on display in the shop. For $69, I snapped it up.


My new desk in its new space, but not its final spot. Let the (not-so) Great Home Office makeover begin!
My new desk in its new space, but not its final spot. Let the (not-so) Great Home Office makeover begin!


My next big question is what to do about the shelving unit. It was a freebie when we moved into the house and looks much better in pictures than it does in real life. Should I paint it black and keep it or is it time to start scouring Craig’s List for a nice set of shelves? Decisions, decisions…