Fun Times at My First Book Signing!

I had my first book signing in New Jersey last weekend at the New Jersey Romance Writer’s Book Fair.

To be honest, I hadn’t expected to enjoy the book fair as much as I did.

I loved talking to people and meeting readers. I can’t wait for the next one, which will probably be in March.

I’ll keep you posted!

Me at the New Jersey Romance Writers Book Fair in Iselin.
Me at the New Jersey Romance Writers Book Fair in Iselin.
This is me with two readers who were visiting from Belgium and happened to stop by the book fair. They picked up a copy of TEMPTING BELLA.
This is me with two readers who were visiting from Belgium and happened to stop by the book fair. They picked up a copy of TEMPTING BELLA.
I gave away some "swag", including custom matches, candy and postcards for SPY FALL, my newest release.
I gave away some “swag”, including custom matches, candy and postcards for SPY FALL, my newest release.
That's me obviously enjoying myself at the New Jersey Romance Writers book signing in New Jersey.
That’s me obviously enjoying myself at the New Jersey Romance Writers book signing in New Jersey.
Having too much fun with fellow writer Michele Mannon who writes hot contemporary sports romance.
Having too much fun with fellow writer Michele Mannon who writes hot contemporary sports romance.

My pal RoseAnn DeFranco, who writes heartfelt, sexy contemporaries that also make you laugh, sat across from me at the book fair.

Spy Fall: Anatomy of A Cover

The first three "Spy Fall" samples I had to choose from.
The first three “Spy Fall” samples I had to choose from.

So much goes into a cover. I’m talking about how my newest book, Spy Fall, got its look. I was fortunate to work with the very talented Carrie at Seductive Designs. I absolutely adore the finished product. Check out what makes Spy Fall an effective cover by visiting me over at The Violet Femmes.

Spy Fall (final) 500 @ 72 dpi low res
The finished product! Isn’t it gorgeous?