Kindle Lending Club
A small company called Kindle Lending Club is connecting people who are willing to lend e-books to strangers who want to borrow them.
The five-person start-up was founded by a 40-year-old Canadian mother of three. She began with a Facebook page which proved so popular, that she hired two web developers to expand her idea into a bonafide business. So far, the Kindle Lending Club is said to have facilitated the lending of more than 1,000 books among strangers.
Amazon announced its own Kindle lending program late last year but that seems to facilitate e-book lending only among friends, not on a potentially global scale like the Kindle Lending Club.
I would never want authors to lose out on their just profits. But an e-book library seems like a natural progression. We have libraries for tree-books, why not e-books? If anything, I buy more books from authors whose work I first discovered at the library.
It will be fascinating to see how this concept progresses.